Udayana University Heart and Vascular Specialist CBT National Board Examination

Located in the learning and discussion room on the 4th floor of the Integrated Cardiac Service Building, Sanglah Central General Hospital, a national CBT exam for Heart and Blood Vessel Specialists has been carried out. The exam will take place on June 5-6 2022. The exam activities are preceded by a try out on June 5 and the national exam on June 6, 2022. The exam activities this time are supervised directly by local and national supervisors with a hybrid system. Putra Swi Antara, MD FIHA as the coordinator of the study program was present as a local supervisor in this exam. Examination supervision is also carried out using an online method using zoom media and web proctor as the basis for the administration system.

In this exam, there are 2 candidate doctors who specialize in heart and blood vessels who carry out the exam, namely dr. Nyoman Ririn Chandrika Sari and dr. Prayoga Setiawan. Today's exam lasted for 2 hours with 4 exam sessions that were guided directly by the JPDI collegium.