Facilities and Infrastructures
Facilities available to support the educational process consist of an integrated cardiac service installation (PJT) building which is used as a lecture room, practicum, staff room, student activity room and other supporting rooms.
The PJT building consists of four floors, with the following divisions:
The 1st floor consists of an cardiac emergency room, an echocardiography room, a vascular echocardiography room, cardiac polyclinic rooms, and first floor cardiac catheterization lab. Facilities for physical examination and supporting equipment are available at the heart and blood vessel disease poly, where non-invasive examinations can be performed, such as echocardiography, ABPM, Holter, Doppler.
The 2nd floor consists of a cardiovascular intensive room (ICCU) and second floor cardiac catheterization room as well as a recovery room after non-surgical invasive procedures.
The 3rd floor consists of the intermediate ward and the gymnasium for cardiac prevention and rehabilitation activities, where a treadmill test can be performed.
On the 4th floor there is a room for the head of the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine and staffs, as well as a conference room and teaching room for the educational needs of students.