Graduate Profile
As stated in the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program Standards set by the College of Indonesia Cardiovascular Association, it has been determined that the vision of the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University is to become a National Education Program that is Able to Produce a Plenary Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist, Professional and Global Quality. On this basis, the education of a cardiologist is designed in such a way as to achieve the expected graduates. As one of the educational centers for heart and blood vessel specialists in Indonesia, the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University strives to meet the standards set by the collegium of heart and blood vessel specialists. The pattern of education applied in this study program is directed at producing cardiac specialist graduates who can work according to their scientific fields professionally, as academics/lecturers, leaders in work institutions, and leaders in professional organizations. Graduates have the characteristics: scientists, professionals, sensitive and able to adapt to change, independent, critical thinking, creative, innovative, have an entrepreneurial spirit, dignified, and stick to ethics. Based on Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020, Medical Council Regulation No. 57 of 2018, an analysis of the tracer study and employer study in 2021, it is determined that the expected graduate profile is as follows:
1. Professional
Carrying out medical practice in accordance with the values ??and principles of the Almighty God, noble morals, ethics, discipline, obeying the law, according to socio-cultural contexts in local, regional and global contexts, and maintaining personal health.
2. Care Provider
Apply and integrate knowledge, clinical skills, and professional behavior to produce complete cardiovascular services according to global standards, both physically, psychologically, socially, culturally, spiritually and safely.
3. Communicator and Collaborator
Establish effective communication with patients, patient families, community/community, colleagues and other intra/multidisciplinary/institutional health workers, so as to create team collaboration that can produce quality and patient-centered cardiovascular health services
4. Health advocate
Can contribute expertise and influence, to encourage the improvement of cardiovascular health services.
5. Leader
Having the ability as a good leader of the cardiovascular service delivery team (promotion, prevention, therapy, rehabilitation, and restoration of function as a whole individual), so as to be able to encourage the creation of a better cardiovascular service system.
6. Scholar
Constantly evaluates his ability to carry out his practice and demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning in order to achieve perfection in his practice, and is willing to share knowledge by teaching others.
7. Researcher
Active in research and produce quality, useful and humane research, in the context of developing science, technology, and cardiovascular services.