The curriculum is designed based on its relevance to the objectives, scope and depth of the material, organization that encourages the formation of hard skills and personality and behavioral skills (soft skills) that can be applied in various situations and conditions. Academic atmosphere or often referred to as academic atmosphere is a condition that must be created to make the learning process in the study program run according to its vision, mission, and goals, one of which is good communication between students and lecturers and each student has an academic supervisor. who are ready to help so that education can be carried out smoothly.
As one of the heart and blood vessel specialist education centers in Indonesia, the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University strives to meet the standards set by the collegium of heart and blood vessel specialists. The pattern of education applied in this study program is directed at producing cardiac specialist graduates who can work according to their scientific fields professionally, as academics/lecturers, leaders in work institutions, and leaders in professional organizations. Graduates have the characteristics: scientists, professionals, sensitive and able to adapt to change, independent, critical thinking, creative, innovative, have an entrepreneurial spirit, dignified, and stick to ethics. From a medical-technical perspective, the expected graduate profiles are Professionals, Care Providers, Communicators and Collaborators, Health Advocates, Leaders and Insights and Learners.
The curriculum of the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University also focuses on forming graduates with excellence in the preventive and rehabilitative fields with the theme of travel health in patients with heart disease. The advantages and location of the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program are able to increase the competitiveness of the Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program which has competitiveness at the national, regional and global levels in 2025
1. Stage
The Cardiology
and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University (PPDS I) is implemented in 3 stages, namely
stages I, II and III. The transfer from one stage to the next does not use a
semester system, but it is adjusted to the curriculum load. Transfers are
carried out when they have passed the exam and have completed the tasks at the
stage they are currently undergoing.
2. Time
Each stage
consists of a semester. Phase I: 3 semesters (I-III), Phase II: 4 semesters
(IVVII), and Phase III: 1 semester (VIII). 1 semester is calculated as 6
3. Place
The place of
education is the patient care room at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.