Udayana Cardiology Resident Group Regular Monthly Meeting

Udayana Cardiology Resident Group (KARNA) is a group that oversees and becomes a shelter for cardiology students/residents at Udayana University. This village is in charge of organizing, managing and evaluating the implementation of residency at the student level.

At the beginning of March 2022, the KARNA sub-district had just carried out a change of management with the election of dr. Achmad Putra as Lurah and dr. Bhaskara W as Wakil Lurah. In the position of secretary by dr. Yanty and Treasurer by dr. vien.

There are 2 agendas held in this meeting. The first agenda discusses the evaluation of the implementation of the residency and the next agenda discusses the budget plan for each section / sie under the kelurahan.

There are 7 fields that make presentations including the fields of ethics, law and discipline; the field of public relations; scientific field; sports field; household sector; arts and spiritual fields. Each field did a good presentation and delivered a variety of new and innovative programs.

This kind of agenda will become a routine agenda, especially in discussing the evaluation of the implementation of the cardiology residency at Udayana.