Tri Dharma Workshop of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University

Saturday, 23th April 2022

The Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University has carried out a hybrid Tri Dharma Workshop, which is located on the 4th floor of the PJT Building, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar and Online via Zoom. This event involved universities, faculties, lecturers, retired lecturers, alumni, partner hospitals and residents of The cardiovascular Medicine Specialist Program. This workshop aims to socialize the profile of study programs, education and curriculum structure, as well as research and community service that have been carried out so far.

The results obtained from the workshop are several inputs for each commission. In Commission I, development for the field of education and curriculum structure is needed to improve the quality of specialist program graduate. Cardiovascular medicine specialist programs are expected to increase graduation requirements on time, consider credit distribution, compile relevant graduate learning outcomes per stage, initiate the introduction of the Multi Score Feedback (MSF) instrument, also adjust the preparation of accreditation reports according to Book 4 Accreditation Assessment for cardiovascular specialist study programs.

Commission II, which is in the field of research and community service, is also expected to expand the realm of research and service internationally by collaborating and exploring potential grant applications, as well as inviting partner hospitals to participate in this activity.

Input and suggestions from related parties will later be used as a reference for specialist programs for progress in implementing the Tri Dharma Pendidikan (education, research, and community service).