Right Heart Failure et causa Primary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Case Report by Primanto Tantiono, MD
One of the sciences that must be carried out by students in the education of heart and blood vessel specialists, FK Unud is a basic cardiology case report. This report contains patient cases which are discussed comprehensively under the guidance of a supervisor. On Friday 10 June 2022, an online case report presentation by dr. Primanto Tantiono. This event was held at 07.30 until finished and was attended by dr. Agung Pradnyana Suwirya, Sp.JP as supervisor and dr. I Nyoman Wiryawan, Sp.JP(K) as examiner. The presentation takes place fully online with zoom platform.
The title of the material presented was Right Heart Failure et causa Primary Pulmonary Hypertension: A Pathophysiological Review.
This activity was also attended by other students online.