Intervention & Echocardiography Fellowship Visitation by JPDI Collegium at Sanglah Hospital Denpasar

The visitation activity for the planned opening of the Interventional and Echocardiography fellowship program by the Heart and Blood Vessel Collegium PERKI on Friday, June 5, 2022, took place in the 4th Floor Meeting Room of the Integrated Cardiac Services Building, Sanglah Central General Hospital, Denpasar.

The activity was attended by the Board of Directors of Sanglah Hospital, the Head of the PERKI Intervention Collegium, the Head of the PERKI Echocardiography Collegium, the Head of the Cardiology and Vascular Department of Udayana, the Unud Cardiologist and Vascular Specialist Coorporate, the Education and Training Division of Sanglah Hospital, as well as the Cardiology and Vascular KSM Staff of Sanglah Hospital/Udayana University.

The event was continued with the signing of the MoU by the Chair of the JPDI Collegium Intervention Working Group and the Director of Sanglah Hospital Denpasar in the Director's room of Sanglah Hospital which was followed by the submission of a presentation report on the readiness for the implementation of the fellowship on the 4th Floor of the PJT Building, Sanglah Hospital. The activity took place under strict health protocols. The event was continued with visits to fellowship education support facilities such as the Cath lab, echocardiography room, teaching room and library room. Hopefully the opening of this fellowship will be a way to improve cardiovascular services in Indonesia.