ECG Reading: Udayana Cardiology Collaborative Program with EP Division Cardiology UNPAD and Cardiology UNSRAT

In the course of education in the field of heart and blood vessel disease, competency improvement is carried out in several fields. One of the activities is to carry out ECG reading activities.

This activity is carried out regularly every Wednesday of every week to train students to read the ECG better, present their case more confidently and more comprehensively. In this activity, the Heart and Blood Vessel Disease Study Program, University of Udayana collaborated with the Heart and Blood Vessel Disease Study Program at the University of Padjadjaran and the Heart and Blood Vessel Disease Study Program at Sam Ratulangi University. In this activity, presentations were delivered by students from the Udayana cardiology study program. This activity was attended by dr. I Made Putra Swi Antara, Sp.JP(K), FIHA, dr. Mohammad Iqbal, Sp.JP(K), FIHA and dr. Benny Mulyanto Setiadi, Sp.JP(K), FIHA. The activity was carried out online and was attended by students from the three institutions.

It is hoped that this activity can help students to become more independent and increase students' knowledge more comprehensively.